COOKIE POLICY (last updated on 14.06.2024)
General Information
The website (the “Website”) uses third-party cookies to analyze the user’s browsing. With mere browsing (with the browser enabled to accept cookies), the user accepts the installation of cookies, except in their place.
This policy has the result of presenting the data in a clear and concise manner about the cookies used by our Website.
On our Website, various cookies may be used. With this Cookie Policy, we would like to inform you what cookies are, what they do, and what kind of cookies are used via our Website. In so far as we collect your personal data via cookies, we process these personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We may change this Cookie Policy and the list of cookies that are used on our Website at any time.
Without these cookies, the website cannot function properly. These cookies are used, for example, to retrieve data from forms filled in by the user or to provide a secure connection to the site.
These cookies store information about user settings and preferences. These include website display settings, data about the device used, font size on pages, etc.
These cookies provide the ability to analyse the performance of the website, including from the user's side, as well as to collect statistics on its use. They make it possible to identify and resolve problems in the operation of the website in a timely manner. Advertising activities are also carried out using cookies. The Anvio VR website uses cookies from various analytical services, including Google Analytics, Google AdWords and Yandex.Metrica.
If you do not wish to use cookies, you can delete stored cookies and disable the ability to save new cookies. The procedure for deleting/disabling cookies depends on the OS and browser you are using. Instructions for popular browsers can be found here:
Please note that the Anvio VR website may not function properly if cookies are disabled.
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